Hydrant Flushing: June 10 – September 30
The Department of Public Works will flush all fire hydrants in the Village of Biron. Flushing hydrants ensures they are in good working order and helps flush sediment out of the distribution system. While flushing is occurring in your area, you may notice a drop in pressure or see discoloration in your water. If discoloration occurs, let your water run for a few minutes, preferably from your outside hose connection, and it should clear up. The water is safe to drink even if it is discolored. If you are concerned with discoloration, you may not want to do laundry on the day hydrants are flushed in your area. If your water pressure remains lower than normal after flushing has occurred in your area, please clean your faucet screen to remove silt and mineral sediment that could be obstructing water flow.
Brush Pick-Up
Brush pile pick up will be done during the last week of each month April through October only. Place your brush/limbs by the curb no later than 7:00 a.m. on Monday of the scheduled pick-up week. The crew will only go through the Village one time druing that week. If the brush is not out when they go through, you will have to wait until the next brush pickup. Brush Pick-Up Policy
Bulk/Large Item Pick-Up
Bulk/large item pick-up will be done the last week of April and October. To have bulk items collected at the curbside, you must pay and arrange for pick-up of the item in advance. Bulk Item Pick-Up Form
View the current CCR Water Quality Report
ATV/UTV Ordinance in Effect
As of December 15, 2023 Ordinance 7.11 is in effect. All Village streets, except 80th, are open to ATV/UTV traffic. ATV/UTV, golf carts, scooters, or any motorized vehicle are not allowed on any bike, pedestrian, or recreational trail at any time.
Water Meter Exchanges and Cross Connection Survey
Letters will be sent to residents in regard to performing water meter exchanges and cross connection surveys. The meter exchanges will be taking place over the course of two years. Not everyone will receive notices this year. If you do receive a notification, please contact the village hall at (715)423-6580 to make an appointment. This is a requirement from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Per the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, water suppliers for each municipal water system shall cause a survey to be conducted for every residential service a minimum of once every ten years or on a schedule matching meter replacement and to exchange your meter.
Building Permits Required Building permits are required for nearly all building and remodeling projects including furnace and air conditioner installations. Permits are always required for a roof, driveways, fences, and sheds. The contractor should apply for the permit at the municipal clerk's office. By doing so, protection is offered for both parties. If the homeowner pulls the building permit for the contractor, they may be personally liable should there be an injury. As the homeowner, you may be unaware that the contractor may not be paying unemployment insurance, worker's compensation insurance, or carrying liability insurance, thus putting unknown liability on you. Work done prior to obtaining a permit, including early start permits, will result in the permit fee being doubled. Visit the Permits and Forms page for complete information.